Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Love Colored Glasses

There are some things in life that can change your entire perspective and alter the way that you see the world. Love is a powerful emotion that simply makes everything better. Have you ever heard people say that colors are brighter and food tastes better when they are in love? You might have rolled your eyes and grinned unless you too have experienced the euphoria and pure pleasure that comes with being in love. Relationships in their beginning stages at times are pure bliss that come from dating the person we believe is “right for us”, our “soul mate”. Our thoughts shout, this is the “love of my life” as you fly, not walk among the clouds. Of course, not every experience you have with dating will bring this type of joy into your life, but love always does.

Mood Altering
Being in Love makes everything seem brighter and better, because it alters your mood. No matter what happens you are able to see the bright side of any situation. When you are dating a special person, you will likely know it right away. The signs of love are evident and can take over all aspects of your life. You will most likely have a permanent smile attached to your face and a wandering mind that is focused on the person you are dating.

What Feeling?
Being in Love is beyond physical attraction to good looks or a sweet smile. It is an injection of intense feelings that can overpower your body whenever you are around or even think about that special someone in your life. The intense feelings of love allow you to reach a level of euphoria and happiness that are often unattainable without this type of relationship in your life. If you are not in love, you will most likely be missing something meaningful and it will affect the way that you feel. However, when you are in love you feel like your best self and have a rush of chemicals inside your body that allow you to feel true joy.

Sweaty Palms and Pure Bliss
It is not hard to determine when the love bug has caught up to you and bit you. You will normally have all the telltale signs from sweaty palms to a beating chest. A smile that never quits and a feeling of happiness that persists are also side effects of dating the person of your dreams. You should never settle for a relationship that doesn’t give you these feelings. Pure bliss and permanent feelings of happiness are possible if you truly fall in love.

So what do you say? Are you ready to put on your pair of love colored glasses? 

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